Min-Max v0.8a is now out for Patrons!
This build includes the ability to kill and respawn, placeholder bots you can spawn in the server settings, and improved client-side prediction and syncing
Patch Notes:
- Shooting a player now drains their health and kills them
- Killed players now instantly respawn
- Client-side Prediction for positioning has been implemented to smooth out movement.
- Projectiles now properly sync across all clients
- Bots can now be toggled in server settings to spawn in any empty slots at the start of a server. Bots will be kicked if a player needs to fill in a slot.
- Code for teams was completely overhauled to now allow a server to have all 9 teams playable at a time
- Basic implementation of gamemode scripts into the codebase that directly control team propagation and player assignment.
- Player shaders are modified to a more generic output while investigations into a proper handling of cel-shading can be done.
- Fixed an issue with cleanup upon client disconnect
- Properly implemented denying a player the ability to spawn in the server is full
- Many areas of code cleaned up and shifted around into more appropriate files
- Known Issue: Map geometry does not properly apply the needed palette on either hosts or clients