anyway sound off. at what stage do ppl think Han figured out the Force was real. the boring answer is after seeing Obi-wan vanish but i think he could rationalise that away as his eyes playing tricks on him. what do we think.
Let me demonstrate my answer for you:
That’s it. That’s my answer. Endor.
Please just take a look at Han’s face right after witnessing 3po float. The man just had his entire worldview blown to smithereens.
that’s so funny. that means he accepted Vader deflecting a blaster bolt with his hand as just something freaky government cyborgs can do, and stuck by Luke for multiple years as he tried to figure this Force stuff out, and just treated it like your friend getting really really into neopaganism to cope with a loss.
like yeah kid good job with the witching. i’m certain it will be more useful against your enemies than your sharpshooting. no i do not think your witchcraft is supplementing your aim but i’m not gonna argue about it.
yeah Luke was like ‘I heard Ben Kenobi’s voice in my head telling me how to blow up the Death Star :)’ and Han was like 'kind of an unusual coping mechanism but I’m not gonna argue with him’
Damn it. I was mentally going over the movies to see if Han was near any force usage, and I remembered Jabba’s palace and the sail barge. He was right around a bunch of Luke doing Jedi Shit and he… Couldn’t see it. Motherfucker, he was temporarily blind right when Luke was doing all the Jedi shit!
Now I’m thinking that if we took out that one scene, it could turn Han into a real Donna Noble figure of Jedi Magic.
Like, he wasn’t around when Obi-Wan did anything other than get Force Indigestion when Alderan blew up. He didn’t see Vader do anything. He separates from Luke after Hoth so he misses all the magic on Dagobah. The only force stuff Vader does around him is survive the shot and grab the gun, but Vader’s a big cyborg motherfucker, maybe he’s got a repulsor ray or something. He’s getting to/escaping on the Falcon while the Luke/Vader fight happens, so he misses it. He misses the Jabba stuff as he’s blind, then C-3PO floats once.
Here’s the thing: does Han believe in the force after this? I mean, R2-D2 can fly too, and he doesn’t need the force for that.
Cause if not, when else would he see Jedi Shit? He misses everything with Palpatine, he’s breaking into the shield facility.
The worst part? The sequel trilogy. Han’s not around anyone with functional force powers until he runs into his son… Who kills him with without force powers. He may have died still not believing the force is real.