I want Pneumagination to be full of wacky bizarre midnight encounters when you close your store
Like aliens, entities, ghosts showing up to either get some grub or murder you. Faces in the window looking in or things hiding on your roof that’ll give you some cool shit if you give them a specific thing.
I wanna have a shopping cart that just randomly drifts into your lot and hits a wall, maybe has some items in it. You can attempt to approach it but then it’ll rapidly start wheeling away to escape and you gotta flip it over to stop it
Maybe you can bring in a comical bedsheet-ghost in who tips really good but if you look away from them at any point then they’ll haunt your store for the day and fuck things up
Maybe if you serve enough aliens at night you’ll become a galactic tourist destination and will be able to serve 24/7
I wanna get weird I wanna have fun and give the game an identity

testing around with some designs just getting some pen on paper