The 64th Gamer



Please don’t let fandom ruin something you love. Walk away and unfollow the fans and enjoy the thing by yourself, or find a limited circle of people who ignore the discourse, or get your irl friends into the thing and collectively ignore the Internet community, or blacklist from here to the moon if you need to and only ever scroll through your rarepair ship’s tag on AO3. But don’t let fandom distort a show or a movie or a book or a comic you used to love so badly that you can’t enjoy the original anymore. Please. It isn’t worth it.

The best recent fandom I’ve been in lately has been a discord group of less than a dozen people. My bff and I send fanfics and fanart just to each other and we’ve been having so much fun, just like how fandom used to be. And it sucks that I had to go paywall, but things got a LOT better once I started posting fandom-only art to my patreon. You find ways to make it work.