The 64th Gamer





The reason Joseph knew Mary didn’t cheat on him is because he knew Mary was Trans and she was begging to god for Joseph to get her pregnant and god helped a bad bitch out

Mary was a trans woman

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I really should have made or reblogged this post around christmas to get some traction, my hope is that one day this gets screen capped to a christian group that has such a meltdown that they make the grave mistake of giving me enough attention that I can spread my evil messages

In all sincerity, OP, there is a mishnah that the reason Sarah laughed when G-d told her she would have a child wasn’t just bc of her age but bc she, Abraham, or both were intersex or trans. I’ve had it come up multiple times in Torah study. So, I mean, the idea exists in Judaism. You could be on to something.

I’ve argued before that Jesus is trans, because his only biological parent was female, therefore he should have XX chromosomes. But I didn’t realize this great angle: maybe Jesus isn’t trans, because Mary was.

Brilliant. Five stars