The 64th Gamer





My roommate (the one who hates septum piercings so much they make her gag) thinks my art is the most disgusting and ugly shit on the planet, and every time I announce that I’ve sold a piece or gotten into a show, she makes the kind of facial expression you’d expect of someone eating chili at a live autopsy and says, “I’m glad you’re having fun! :)”

You’re all misunderstanding; I love her so much and I’m having a great time. It’s like when you’re a kid and you chase other, less cool kids around the playground with a fun worm you found.

She doesn’t consume any media besides sitcoms and reality TV, and doesn’t have social media besides Facebook, so when I come to her with something even remotely bizarre, she just has absolutely nothing to compare it to. Like, when I show her something mildly weird that made like this:

She’s just fully convinced that I personally invented the concept of body horror all on my own specifically to make her life a living hell. She thinks I’m the only person like this alive. It’s so funny. I love her.

I got my septum pierced btw.